Dental Office Training By Lynn

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Mark Your Calendar - Dental Assistant Appreciation Week!

Mark your 2017 calendars for March 5-11: it's Dental Assistant Appreciation Week!

Dental Assistant Appreciation Week was founded by the American Dental Assistants Association (ADAA) for dentists throughout the United States and Canada to show recognition and appreciation for all the hard work that their dental assistants do. Dental assistants play an integral role in patient care and take on various duties in dental practices of all sizes. 

Every year, the ADAA decides on a theme for Dental Assistant Appreciation Week. In 2016, the theme was "Patient-focused with passion and purpose." When showing your dental assistants how much you appreciate their hard work, how are you also telling them about the importance they have in providing care to patients? While 2017's theme has not been announced yet, there are ways your practice can prepare for Dental Assistant Appreciation Week. If you are a dental assistant who wants to be recognized, don't be afraid to print out this list and leave it where the practice owner or office manager can see it.


Show Your Dental Assistants That You Appreciate Them

If the dental assisting staff makes your time at the dental office more enjoyable, let them know! Everyone enjoys being told they are good at their job. However it doesn’t just have to be dental assistant appreciation week to show your dental office you care. So when you leave the office with pearly whites and minty fresh breath, consider bringing a card or even a Starbucks gift card around the holidays to simply spread some cheer.  

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