Learn More About What We Do Here At DOT:
our dental assistant training program provides:
Intense training in a brand new facility with 4 new fully upgraded dental operatory units.
Latest technology and most advanced techniques available in restorations, materials, and instrumentation
- Valuable in-office, hands-on experience with practicing dentists during job shadowing and observation days.
- Resume building and networking opportunities
- Job placement assistance, job shadowing, and observations in some of the most prestigious offices in the state.
- Software training- patient charting, treatment planning, creating, and completing appointments
- ISDH accredited radiology program, Fully accredited by the State Workforce Innovation Council, Office For Career and Technical Schools.
- Expanded functions dental assisting course available to all dental personnel and those 12 weeks graduates who might choose this as your desired pathway.
- Located in Fishers, Indiana, but we cater to all of Indianapolis and Central Indiana.
You will receive Intense training with the latest technology and most advanced techniques available in restorations, materials and instrumentation. Our facility is located in Fishers, Indiana. We see a wide variety of our dental assistant students coming from greater Indianapolis and all over Central Indiana. The location is extremely convenient as its right off I69 on 96th street. Our training prepares you for the modern dental office that expects higher standards in entry level dental assistants. We provide the training for you to become a valuable team member in a dental practice of your choice. Radiology Training is included in the 12 week program. DOT is an accredited program through the ISDH.
We help you prepare all the forms you need to obtain your permanent radiology license:
Obtaining your provisional radiology (student permit)
Completing your proficiency form
- Admission forms for the DANB/RHS test.
Finally, your follow up forms to the state once you pass the exam.
You will participate in valuable in-office, hands-on experience with practicing dentists through job shadowing and observation days. This creates multiple networking opportunities with some of the most prestigious offices in the state. Job opportunities come through a variety of different avenues continually building through the program. Software training, CPR Certification, and basic. E.F.D.A. skills are all included in the 12 week program. This program is FULLY accredited by the State Workforce Innovation Council, Office for Career and Technical Schools.
“I’m a recent graduate from DOT BY LYNN and got my first dental job within a week of graduation. This program will change your life. I learned so much! Every single detail that they show you, tell you, and give to you will help you succeed in your career. I’ve observed in a few offices where they didn’t know about this program and they were amazed on how much I knew and how confident and comfortable I was with procedures and instruments! Being in this program was the best thing that happened to me! And the teachers are really awesome and fun!!!!!!
“The best!!! That’s where I graduated from. They are the most wonderful women who inspired me in more ways than one!”
What We've Achieved:
- Brand New Facility With Most Advanced and Up To Date Training Equipment
- Instructors have Over 80 Years Experience In Front Office, Clinical, and Administration.
- Strong Partnerships With Leading Dental Office in Central Indiana
- Recognized as Top Dental Assistant Training School In Central Indiana
- Great Following From Top Dental Professionals
- Accredited Radiology Program from Indiana State Department of Health
- Digital Radiology/Advanced Software
This institution is regulated by:
Office for Career and Technical Schools
10 N. Senate Ave, Suite SE 308
Indianapolis, IN46204
317-234-8338 or 317-232-1732
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